Fiancé of social worker charged over sex video with boy, 13, has dark criminal past

 Nicholas Rafter, 27, the fiancé of Payton Shires, 24, who is charged with having sex with a boy, 13, has spent nearly five years in jail for offences including child endangerment

A counsellor who admitted having sex with a 13-year-old boy in her care is engaged to a man who faced charges of raping a 14-year-old girl.

Payton Shires, 24, is alleged to have admitted her offences after cops found grim evidence on her phone. The Ohio social worker was caught out when the boy's mum discovered disturbing messages between the pair.

The unnamed mum reported her concerns to the police, which led to some speedy actions by law enforcement. Following a sting operation, Shires was found to have engaged in unlawful sexual conduct with a minor.

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Now it has been revealed that Shires has a child with her fiancé, whose chequered past has seen him face jail time following a slew of charges, according to the Daily Mail.

Nicholas Rafter, a 27-year-old plumber, has been in prison for nearly five years after being convicted of two counts of burglary and one count of child endangerment, the outlet reported.

Rafter was accused of drugging and assaulting a 14-year-old girl when he was 19 years old, and spent four years and 11 months behind bars.

Citing court documents, the publication reported that he allegedly gave the girl a “drug, intoxicant or controlled substance to her surreptitiously or by force, threat of force, or deception."

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He was charged with rape, sexual battery and unlawful sexual conduct with a minor, but the charges were dropped after he pleaded guilty to child endangerment, the outlet said.

After he was released in August 2017, Rafter was reportedly placed under an intensive supervision parole for five years and was subject to random drug screenings until July 2022.

He spent the time in prison three years before he began dating Shires, who has expressed support for the death penalty for paedophiles on social media – where she shared an image with the message: “Dead paedophiles don’t reoffend.”

Meanwhile, Shires has showed off her life on social media, sharing images of her 1-year-old son and fiancé.

In one post, she wrote, “Own a house, have 3 dogs, got engaged, and have a 1 year old all at 21. So proud of these accomplishments.”

Payton Shires' alleged confession was uncovered by the force who were on a three-way call with the counsellor and the boy's mother.

Disturbing footage of the sex act with the minor was also allegedly uncovered by investigators in Columbus, Ohio.

The youngster's mum contacted Columbus Police on September 27 and asked the boy whether he had "deleted the videos" or if anyone had seen them. Officers then arranged a three-way call between themselves, the mother and Shires.

It was there the counsellor allegedly admitted to the sexual relationship with the unnamed 13-year-old. Shires was taken into custody while police published a mugshot and the counselling license details of the 24-year-old.

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